Oolong (Wulong tea) Tea Health Benefits and How to Make it

 Oolong Tea

What is Oolong Tea?

Oolong Tea is a traditional Chinese Tea made through the process of a kind methodology including shriveling the plant under the strong sun and oxidation before twisting and curving.
Oolong Tea is an item produced using the leaves, buds, and stems of the same plant that is likewise used to make dark tea and green tea. The distinction is in the Preparing. Oolong Tea is in part matured, dark tea is completely aged, and green tea is unfermented.

Oolong Tea Health Benefits

Health benefits of Oolong Tea include the reduction of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, inflammatory disorders,  and high cholesterol levels, while providing vital antioxidants, promoting superior bone structure, robust skin and good dental health. Oolong tea is fragrant with a fruity flavor and a pleasant aroma. Despite its caffeine content, it can still be extremely relaxing to drink. It is also Believed in that Oolong Tea is Beneficial in weight loss.

Oolong Tea Recipe

Some quick Tips to make Oolong Tea at Home :
>> Some filtered water
>> Tea Cup
>> Tea Infuser
>> Teaspoon
>> Oolong Tea

Step 1 - Take some filtered water and put it into a pot. Boil this water to 100 degree.

Step 2 - Put about a Teaspoon of Oolong Tea into the Infuser.

Step 3 - Put the Infuser up the Tea cup.

Step4 - Put the boiled water up the Infuser. Make sure that You are soaking all the Oolong Tea leaves.

Step 5 - Steep it for 3-5 minutes. Check that the leaves expanded its fully size. Put off the Infuser. 
Now, you can enjoy for Perfect Oolong Tea.

In this Video You are will get to know some major Health Benefits of Oolong Tea, Health benefit of Oolong Tea in Weight loss and its other Benefits.
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